Sunday, August 28, 2011

architecture fabrication camp

I co-taught a Summer Architecture Fabrication Camp a few weeks ago. The camp was funded by an NEA Grant that myself and one of my colleagues from Architecture received last year. It was the largest NEA grant that the School of Architecture has ever received. The Summer Camp was focussed on Fabrication and how first hand knowledge of process and the manipulation of materials enriches design thinking. The week long camp ended with an exhibition where our high school students were able to show and discuss their work with faculty, fellow peers, and parents. The exhibition was very nice and I had a blast teaching the eager students that we worked with. It gives me faith in the future of our society after working with these fine individuals. Our students made a lot of work and they were always wanting to work on their projects when they had any free time in between meals and field trips to firms, job sites, and manufacturing facilities.

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