Sunday, September 4, 2011


Jill talked me back into going out to Pec today and having a go at it again today (she's AWESOME). We were on a serious mission today. We put the old master cylinder back in the car and were able to get the brakes to hold. I have no idea why the new one didn't work. Jill cleaned the whitewalls while Eric and I banged on brakes. The kids were able to have their fun day of riding tractors (thanks to Dude) and provoking cows. I was able to drive "Casper" back to Milwaukee. The brakes started to drag when we were almost home, so I stopped to let things cool down. We were able to get back underway and limped into the garage with crummy brakes again.  Casper will get a whole new brake system now; just don't want to mess with the old lines, not to mention you just can't mess around when it comes to "stopping".

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