Thursday, March 4, 2010

machined roundels

Did a test for Steve's Puch roundels. The little end mills are so weak; this took about 10 minutes to cut; I snapped a 1/32 endmill right at the end. I guess I got a little too aggressive with the last pass. Just need to make final adjustments to the size and then set the new depth so it's a bit deeper. This will allow the enamel to have a good place to set and allow for stoning as well. These should look pretty nice in copper. Still a long way to go but this is a start.

Also pulled out the Macro lens for a few pics of the machining marks. I love the tool path marks that are made from the process. It's almost a shame to cover them up. Might have to make a few different styles (engraved, pocketed, cut through, etc.) and in different materials.

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