Saturday, November 19, 2011

fab meth 2011: burning the midnight oil

The fab meth kids have been burning the midnight oil here lately. They've been taking full advantage of the new computer lab and my studio (since the new Digital Craft Research Fabrication Lab is not set up yet). The other night we blew a fuse because had so many things running at the same time. It's good though, as they're all learning a lot and they can all write code for cutting their files now and I feel like I can trust several of them to set the CNC mills up and get things cutting on their own. They do an excellent job of cleaning up after themselves which makes me happy. I have to admit though, it will be good when my studio is private and they have their own place to work. 

Oh, did I mention that the operable facades systems their designing are going to be the best we've seen from this class so far? I can't wait!

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