Sunday, November 30, 2014

ural 2wd

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am strongly thinking about buying a new bike. This is uncharted territory for me, as I have NEVER bought a "new" motorcycle. In addition the newest used bike I have ever owned was a 1988 and that was in the early 90's. I've always had old bikes as I just like them better AND I've never been able to justify having multiple bikes unless they were all affordable or basket cases. 

I want something that I can commute back and forth to work and I am finding that the time spent on the bike between home and work is some sort of release that allows me to "escape" into my own personal world. The recent weeks of snow have been a real mental killer for me and I want to be able to ride during sun, rain AND SNOW. The idea of riding in snow limits the options, but I think I may have a solution. 

I've been looking at a 2WD Ural. It has a selectable driveshaft to the sidecar that allows it to be switched in and out of 2WD. In recent years the Ural has become more dependable and subtle upgrades have been made to engine and brakes, and now even fuel injection is available (on 2014 and up models). That said the Ural retains its utilitarian roots and classic styling. I hope to be able to put together the funds for one of these in the near future, so I can get back on 2/3 wheels. 

In the mean time, I am having a tool and motorcycle sale. If you are looking for anything in particular that you'd like to have in the way of tools, please email me and let me know what you're looking for. Everything is priced to move!

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