Saturday, December 20, 2014

deer creek build

On Friday, I took a short trip down to St. Francis to Deer Creek Intermediate School. Mr. Graven (Peter) has been working with his students during their lunch hour recess to complete a 3D printed hand for Ariah, a recipient in CA. Peter has built a great lab for his students to work in. The students also learn about robotics and other STEM based projects in the lab. Peter asked if I would be able to come down and give the students some input on their work. I had a great time sharing some tips and tricks for assembly of the hand. This was a great group of students to work with. They were all engaged in helping each other and it was obvious that there are some students who are really driven in this group. I know many of these kids are going to do great things in the future. They still had quite a bit of work to complete by the time I left, but they were getting closer to completion. I think Ariah is going to love the work of the St. Francis team.

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