Monday, January 5, 2015

eyewear 2014: final images

This past semester, the students in my Intro to Industrial Craft made flatware for their first project and eyewear for their second project. Students had seven weeks to design and create the eyewear you see above. They were directed to make eyewear that has a secondary function of some kind or to create eyewear that was meant for a specific user. They learned machining techniques: lathe and milling machine at the start of the semester as well as vacuum forming (for lenses) and could incorporate any of the techniques that they had learned in the previous flatware assignment. Four of the students learned RhinoCAM in order to be able to program the Tormach mill to cut a few of the parts for their eyewear, but by and large the pieces were made with manual machinery. The students did a great job and I was really pleased with the diversity of ideas and techniques utilized in the creation of their pieces. It was obvious to me that the students had synthesized the various techniques as well as planning processes that we had discussed throughout the course.  It was a good way to end the semester. I look forward to many of these students returning next semester.

One of my colleagues was amazed by the range of "found objects" that were utilized. Then I informed her that the objects were not found, but instead were created from raw materials (expect for the one pair of glasses with the faceted lenses).