Saturday, January 24, 2015

rose brauner: library

This animation was created solely by Rose Brauner. Rose is the daughter of Marna Brauner who is one of my retired colleagues in fibers at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Marna enrolled in my Drawing for Digital Fabrication course this past semester and we have had such a good time sharing process and teaching ideas,  and working with the students in the course. It has been such a pleasure to have Marna present in the course as she has helped me to see how the things I am teaching, and we are doing in the DCRL can translate into all Craft fields of study. This hybrid practice and idea of Digital Craft has been at the forefront of my mind since creating the DCRL. I would love to see ceramics, fibers, metals, and print, unite and bring their respective knowledge, material, and process knowledge to the table within the DCRL. The students are already doing this on their own and this is the direction I see things going as the institution tries to catch up.

Marna brought Rose to the DCRL one day over break so we could discuss zBrush and we ended up having great discussions on computer modeling, animation, the implications of social media, Cal Arts, artists that Rose has worked with, and the future work that Rose plans on pursuing. I had such a great time. At the end of our time together Marna shared this animation with me and I thought it would be nice to share it all with you. I can simply say that I wouldn't even know where to begin technically speaking to create something such as this, let alone make something that is visually interesting and compelling. Rose is currently looking for an animation or illustration job, so please share if any of you out there know of any positions (on the West coast most likely).

"Library" by Rose Brauner.

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