Friday, January 16, 2015

ural parking

One of the reasons for having a motorcycle for my commute, is to be able to locate parking on campus. UWM has serious parking issues not to mention that the cost of parking is too much for me to justify. A motorcycle sticker is within reason and therefore, my best option. I rode the Ural to work yesterday and I admit that I was worried about being able to fit in a typical motorcycle parking spot at my studio. It just fits, so I should be good. If the raised concrete/metal grid protruded any further I would be sticking out in a driving lane inside the parking structure, so I'm thankful for the sidecar wheel offset. Now I'm sure I'll have some meter maid say that it no longer qualifies as a "motorcycle" since it has a sidecar. That would be my luck...


  1. I have to have a good laugh at this, as a friend and I stopped at Sector67 in Madison last summer on a motorcycle trip. Joe K. showed us some of the recent changes they made to the space, and in one corner was a homemade motorcycle sidecar. As it turns out, one of their members is faculty at UW, and found the exact same thing you did - a motorcycle permit is far cheaper than a car, and even in winter, he toughs it out on the bike to save on the parking!

  2. YEAH, It makes me sound CHEAP doesn't it? Or maybe just stupid?
