Saturday, January 24, 2015

ural short signals

I made some shortened turn signal mounts for the Ural two weeks ago. I've seen these sold through Ural shops, but it just seemed to easy to fabricate. This allows me to "tuck" the signals in tight to the bike. It's hard enough keeping an eye out for the sidecar, that extends on the right, to keep from running into parked cars along the side of the road. I'm just not used to being offset to the left when riding. Regardless, of the cylinders sticking out, the signals seem to snagged more easily by things when I park the Ural in the crowded garage and when I'm getting on and off of the bike.  I started with some stainless steel bolts: I cut the heads off, center drilled and drilled a hole down the middle for the signal wiring and then remounted the signal. Easy job!

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