Saturday, January 24, 2015

weston's hand: scaling

In addition to getting ready for the new semester to begin and preparing new course stuff over break, I've been working on a new hand for Weston. Weston's father Matt contacted me earlier last year after seeing our work with Shea. Weston was a bit too small to fit a proper five finger hand to, but I had sent an Ody hand to him. No that Weston has grown a bit, we're going to work with him and his family to see how a new five finger hand might work for him. He's still a bit young for a hand, but Matthew is going to work with their doctors to make sure everything is proper. I have parts printed for this Star Wars inspired white and black scheme, and I am wrapping up assembly so I can get this out to Weston in Center Moriches, NY asap. I thought some process photos might be nice so you can see the scaling in Rhino and the comparison to Weston's unaffected right hand. This hand will be a bit larger and longer than Weston's unaffected hand, but this seems to be par for the course with most of our designs. This is something I hope to address in the near future. Stay tuned for some assembly shots soon!

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