Monday, December 21, 2020

tammasini english wheel

I've been looking at some metal shaping equipment lately. I have been wanting to purchase a Pullmax machine as there has been one for sale locally for a while, and I'd like to invest in one for forming sheetmetal panels. This led me down a path at looking at Metalshaping equipment. 

These beautiful cast iron english wheels above made by Peter Tommasini are imported to just down the road from me and are simply gorgeous. They import a few at a time based on orders from small groups of folks. I would really appreciate a machine like this. It's just tough to invest in things like this since I don't use them all the time.

My internet quest led me to the person who imports the wheels and used to work in NASCAR. He has built a formidable shop. He has taken classes with Fay Butler and has built and had some machines built. His power hammer build is of particular interest to me. It looks like he models everything in Solidworks prior to building. He also has an english wheel build, planishing wheel build, and power shrinker build



eric said...

love this! still want to build one some day for some reason...

Frankie Flood said...

Yeah, the sheetmetal stuff still has an allure that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't feel like I've ever done anything skilled with large scale sheetmetal, but I want to...
