Saturday, July 11, 2009

honda 450 cafe 3

I know these probably look the same as yesterday's, but I did make some progress on the tank. Knee panels are in and worked on the front pointy sections some. Still need to air planish the whole thing, but I gotta wait until later in the day. My studio mates wouldn't approve. The thing sounds like a 2 stroke engine running in my studio. I can just imagine what they would be thinking.

Anyway, after today's mock-up, I tried it out and the tail section and it definitely needs stretched and possibly raised a bit. It's going to need considerable work and I still need to see if I can fit some storage in the rear section of it. I'd like to mount the battery in there to clean up the middle section of the bike. I think I may have to get this whole thing up to my studio to do some of the final fitting of pieces and to hack off some frame junk. Maybe I can ride it there and drive it in.....

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