Monday, August 17, 2009


I put a little primer on the frame today. It went on pretty smooth. I'll have a few runs to contend with after it dries. I decided against powder coat as I just didn't want to have to mess with using the furnace at school to cure it with and I always seem to miss a few areas in the tight spots due to the electrostatic field. It's been a while since I used liquid paint and I thought this would be good practice for the hot rod beetle (I'm hoping to paint it soon). Hopefully tomorrow I will get a fresh coat of color on the frame. Stay tuned....


Unknown said...

What made up your mind on the hot rod? Weren't you talking about leaving it raw?

Frankie Flood said...

yeah, i was going to leave it raw, but the WI weather has changed my mind. it has so much surface rust on it just from being in the garage all winter; it's nuts!!! I gotta go with paint so that it doesn't rust away.
