Wednesday, September 1, 2010

handmade stuff

Eric called tonight and turned me on to another great blog (written by the author of A time to Get) with handmade stuff. One of my favorites is shown above, an axe made by Old School Tools (the rest of their stuff reminds me of my Dad and the stuff he used to make when I was a kid), and a knife made from a file by Michael Morris (similar to a lot of the knives my Dad used to make from old files). 

Just plain old cool...


Have Blue said...

LOVE the folder made from a file! I've seen various knives made from old files before, but that's the first one I've seen where the file teeth aren't halfway obliterated by forging. Looks like Morris does stock removal on his file-based knives, leaving the marvelous file teeth intact! Hmmm, must keep my eyes open for old files at rummage sales...

Frankie Flood said...

yes, I agree. the file texture usually feels like an after thought but this looks so planned. I was thinking that one of these is in my future of making.
