Tuesday, December 20, 2011

fab meth work ethic

My Fabrication Methodologies students have been working really hard this semester. Our Metals studio closed last week, but our Architecture review wasn't until today. That meant that students still needed access to tools and such. I opened up the Kenilworth studio over the weekend so students could finish project three. Several students took advantage of this and worked into the early morning hours in order to get things completed. I didn't have much time to shoot images while they were working, but the above images are of the last group's panel components; they were the last group to leave the studio on Monday morning.


Have Blue said...

Heck with the molding part, I love how the plywood looks!

Frankie Flood said...

I AGREE! I told them that I would happily take the wood section off their hands if they didn't want it...... THEY WANTED IT THOUGH!
