Wednesday, April 24, 2013

cnc spancrete panels

Matt came over to the DCRL last night and we cut a large panel for the Spancrete Architecture studio course. I cut three other panels today for him and he came over in the afternoon to help out with the last one. These foam panels are going to be used to cast concrete panels at Spancrete. The large CNC router performed really well, and we didn't have any issues. Each panel took a little over an hour to cut and we cranked things up a bit. I'm still playing with the motor tuning, and today had things moving well at 700 inches per minute when jogging, but still only running code at a bit over 120 ipm. I'm going to tweak things and see if we can get things running even faster since the jog runs so smoothly at that high of a velocity.


arthur hash said...

WOW. 700 inches per minute is FAST! we cut foam at 8 IPS (480 IPM) What are your RPMS?

Frankie Flood said...

We're not cutting foam at 700 IPM...yet. I just have the motors turning at 700IPM for rapid transverse without cutting. I'll see if we can get up that fast soon though. I'll keep you posted.

Have Blue said...

Are the form one-use only for the spancrete, or can you cast multiples from a foam sheet?

Frankie Flood said...

yes, one use only at this time. In the future they may do molds of the panels to pull concrete versions from.
