Saturday, February 18, 2017

app state dcrl

I received my other butcher block table tops a few weeks ago and was able to get these installed in the new App State DCRL. We now have several 3D printers, a Shapeoko, two vinyl cutters, and I ordered a laser cutter a while ago. I'm slowly making the space useable and transitioning from using it as solely as an office. Some of my advanced students have been using the space already to print and model. It's convenient to have a few computers for them to generate vinyl cut files at the least.  My Intro course is even using it a bit for their etching stencils from time to time. I look forward to having a bit more free time in the summer to more fully develop the space. I've put in to teach a Rhino course for the Fall so I'm hoping we can utilize the space then. I've also been busy writing some grants and working with Richard Elaver in Industrial Design to develop some ideas for a new course that would be taught in the Spring 2018 semester. It's taken me a bit more time to get to get settled and get my footing but things are happening...

1 comment:

arthur hash said...

Looking good! I always thought that office was too big! I am glad it is finally making its move into a more useful space!
