Friday, March 1, 2024

penland community open house 2024

I had a great time today at the Penland Open House. I was reunited with several alumni that volunteered to work and several current students and colleagues volunteered as well. We ran out of kits in small metals and so we ended up spending some time in the iron studio at the end of the day.

I miss seeing these familiar faces in the studio at school. I was reminded today of how lucky I was to work along side these people during a time of my life that I will never forget. Our time in iron today made me remember how good it feels to laugh with these fine folks and how we all share the joy of making things. We’ve cried together in critiques and we have laughed about so many funny things. It’s interesting how you become forever linked through spending time in the studio together and how helping each other create things, creates a bond between us. For now, I will cherish those memories and be reminded of the good times we had, when I see these familiar faces.


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