Wednesday, August 26, 2009

cup cake cnc

Things have been busy with school starting back up. I have been working on new syllabi, new blogs and new websites for teaching, not to mention all of the handouts I've been slaving over. I've also had a ton of meetings this week and last week already.I have had a little time to search out new info on some of the stuff I will be teaching.

I've been intrigued by the latest in DIY 3D printers called MakerBot. Th cupcake cnc seems to be a bit better than the Fab@Home printer that I have in terms of resolution and material. It can print in plastic and takes some of the nice attributes of Reprap and puts it into an affordable package. It is small though.

I also came across Thingsverse and I really like the idea of sharing files like this. On a similar note, Shapeways is a way to have some of the items you design printed and sent to your door. They talk about "printing" in stainless steel on the website and they also mention titanium. Ponoko is doing a similar thing with "you think it, they help design it, they print it, and they help sell it".


riddickuliss said...

"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us" as Marshall McLuhan

just saw this quote today and thought you would enjoy it.

Frankie Flood said...

I like it!! Thanx!
