Sunday, August 22, 2010

opening level molds

Jill, the Kids and I went back to the studio late last night to open the molds. Everything filled and I'm pleased with the outcome. I have quite a bit of flashing but I expected that. We went and got supper and then took the level halves back to my studio to cut the sprues off. I have a lot of cleanup to do and a couple of small tweaks will need to be pressed out, but it's more than manageable. They stayed straight and I had very little warpage (which I was worried about). I'm looking forward to cleaning it up this afternoon and working my way to completing the piece.


riddickuliss said...

very cool Frankie!

Have Blue said...

Those look great! The flashing just makes them look authentic!

JT said...

How will you do the final machining? The cast is awesome!

Frankie Flood said...

Thanks Guys!

I have everything ground down close enough that I can take the slight warp out. Then I'll throw it on my Bridgeport and true the top and bottom surfaces. Then the inside will get cleaned up with the flex shaft.

Stay tuned!

JT said...

I will! Great to see you & the BMer @ Chad's. Give me a ring if you ever want to go cruise around, or throw some shoes! etc.

Frankie Flood said...

for sure! It's always good to see you two and see what you're up to; seems like you guys are always working on something cool. We just gotta get Chad hooked up with two wheels!
