Tuesday, October 11, 2016

penland - seth gould

Seth and Andrew weren't around when we arrived at the barns so Rachel showed us around. Rachel has assisted Seth before, so she was really familiar with his studio. Seth's studio is so neat and organized. He is currently working on a large chest lock that is absolutely nuts. His little shaper, SB lathe, and small gallery were really nice. The pieces inside the small gallery space just blew me away. You can see the influence of Peter Ross here. The Nazel hammer is so beautiful! I eventually bumped into Andrew and then Seth. I really enjoyed talking with them both. I hope I get to connect with them again during their time here.


Surly said...

Really cool stuff there. Thanks for sharing. I hope all is well down south. Don't worry, we'll take care of the midwestern winters for you.

Frankie Flood said...

Sounds good about the winter. That said, we get some major snow falls at the altitude I'm at. It doesn't stay long though...

Hope you guys are doing well!
