Saturday, November 13, 2021

corsair: flying

from Sport Aviation magazine

from Wisconsin Wing News newsletter

This week I checked in with Michael Guslick after I picked up a "new" Stratasys 3D printer (more on this later). It was So good to reconnect with him. Michael is a an outstanding individual that I first met at a metals workshop that I taught at UWM. I ended up standing and talking with him and his friend Charles for hours after that first workshop and a friendship with both of them was born.

Anyway, Michael and I reconnected via email and he shared the info above about the Corsair that he was working on when I left Milwaukee. I made a few posts about this project here:

I was so happy to hear that the Corsair is now airworthy. What a cool thing to work on, and Michael informed me that he and Marc are now the goto shop for Corsair ailerons. How cool is that?


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